Talking with our Worshipful Master about the social side of Freemasonry…

We spoke with Pilgrim Lodge’s Master to understand more about the social side of Freemasonry in Leeds.

Thanks for sitting down with us, Worshipful Master. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am the Worshipful Master for 2023/2024 and this is a position I will hold for 1 year November to November.

What is a Worshipful Master?

After being in Masonry for 10 years (in my case) and holding various positions within the Lodge, progressing ‘up the ladder’ of officers, you find yourself in the position to become the next Master of the Lodge. This is a prestigious appointment. My job for the year is to ensure the smooth running of the Lodge, and make sure everything goes to plan throughout the year.

So, What does the Master of a Lodge do?

Asside from the ceromonial duties, a big part of the Masters role in our Lodge is to organise all the social functions throughout the year, along with fundraising for various causes.

What sort of events do Pilgrim Lodge hold?

The first event of the year is the Initiation of the Worshipful Master and the Festive Board after the ceremony. This consists of a meal with the Members of the Lodge and lots of visitors, whom you have invited from your years in Masonry. While this is being held at Pilgrim, the wife’s & partners are invited to a pub or restaurant for an informal evening of drink and merriment by the partner of the WM.

Pilgrim Lodge Festive Board

The next event is a joint carol service with our Mother Lodge which again is a meal, a drink, and singing carols to a brass band. Usually this is a good opportunity to meet the Masons from our Mother Lodge.

After winter we hold a partners & widows lunch at a pub or golf club and the men bring the ladies/partners to the venue and then go to a different venue for their Sunday lunch before returning to pick up the ladies & partners.

All of these events are of an informal nature and are for people to get together and get to know each other better in a more informal setting.

What is the biggest social event of the year?

One of the big social occasions of the year, and more formal, is the annual ladies & partners night where everyone dresses in their 

best attire for an evening of food dance and music. This is also a fund raising event with games and raffles with the proceeds going to worthy causes.

Another large event is the Garden Party, again this is an informal event with a raffle and BBQ where everyone has the chance to meet up again in an informal setting and catch up with wives/ partners etc.

Pilgrim Lodge does not meet June to August, are there any social events during these months?

This year we are holding a Sunday Lunch in August at a golf club, to catch up with everyone during our summer recess, which is through June, July & August.

Freemasons are known for their charitable nature, do the social events and fundraising go hand in hand?

During my Year so far we have raised over £1000 for charity. This is a great achievement and only made possible by all the help from all the Brethren and Partners who support the various functions that are arranged throughout the year.

What can you tell us about Lodge meetings?

We meet for practice Lodge twice a month and the fourth Monday in the month is our Regular Lodge Night. This is followed by the ‘Festive Board’ which is a meal with toasts and speeches etc. Usually there is also a raffle to also raise funds for charity.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about being the Worshipful Master?

Whilst I am Worshipful Master, the Lodge would not function without the help of all the other Members of the lodge doing their various duties throughout the year, and helping me make sure that everything runs smoothly. We all act together so that peace and harmony is kept throughout the year.

Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us and tell us a little bit about the social side of Freemasonry.

Thank you and I hope this gives you a bit of an insight to my position in the Lodge too.

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