How to become a Freemason

Are you interested in learning how to become a Freemason?

This step by step walkthrough will help you understand what Freemasonry is, reflect on why you may want to become a Freemason, and then understand the steps to do so.

Joining Freemasonry can be a deeply rewarding experience, offering opportunities for personal growth, community service, and lifelong friendship. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the steps you need to take to become a Freemason, with a special focus on joining the Freemasons in Leeds and the Province of Yorkshire West Riding.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organisations. It is built on the principles of integrity, friendship, respect, and service. Freemasons strive to make good men better by fostering moral and personal development, encouraging community service, and promoting fellowship among members.

Why Join Freemasonry?

Becoming a Freemason offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Personal Development: Freemasonry encourages self-improvement and personal growth.
  • Community Engagement: Freemasons are involved in charitable activities, donations, and community service.
  • Brotherhood and Friendship: Build lasting relationships with like-minded individuals, who support each other if they are going through a rough patch.
  • Ritual, Tradition and Heritage: Be part of a historic organisation with rich traditions, values, ceremonies, and lessons.

How to Become a Freemason

If you’re wondering how to become a Freemason, we suggest you follow these simple steps to get started:

1. Understand the Requirements

Before you apply, it’s important to understand the basic requirements for joining Freemasonry:

  • Belief in a Supreme Being: Freemasons must profess a belief in a Supreme Being, regardless of religion.
  • Good Moral Character: Candidates should have a reputation for good moral character and integrity.
  • Age Requirement: Typically, you must be at least 18 years old to join.

2. Research and Reflect

Take time to research Freemasonry and reflect on your reasons for wanting to join. Consider what you hope to gain from the experience and how you can contribute to the fraternity. Here are some helpful websites:

3. Find a Lodge

To become a Freemason, you need to join a Lodge. For those interested in Freemasonry in Leeds, Pilgrim Lodge No. 7728 is an excellent choice. Located at the North Leeds Masonic Centre, Pilgrim Lodge No. 7728 is part of the Province of Yorkshire West Riding, and under the United Grand Lodge of England, we welcome new members with open arms.

If you do not live in Leeds, or are usually busy on Monday Nights, you can also contact either the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire, West Riding or United Grand Lodge of England for help finding a Lodge that suits you. But we do hope you will consider Pilgrim Lodge.

4. Express Your Interest

Reach out to a Freemason you know within the Lodge you are interested in, or Contact them online. You can contact Pilgrim Lodge directly to learn more about how to join. This initial contact is an opportunity to ask questions, introduce yourself, and get more information about the application process. The Lodge you contact will be able to discuss things with you in detail and may even invite you to attend a social event or Festive Board, so you can meet other Freemasons.

5. Submit an Application

Once you’ve decided to proceed, you will need to submit a formal application. This involves filling out a form and finding a Proposer and Seconder (which must be members of the Lodge you are applying to join).

At Pilgrim Lodge, we are happy to guide you through this process, especially if you do not know anyone, often once you have attended a few of our social events, there will be a member who is more than willing to propose you! 

6. Attend an Interview

After submitting your application, you will be invited to attend an interview, with members of the lodge. This interview allows the lodge to learn more about you and for you to ask any remaining questions about Freemasonry and the lodge. This is where expectations are set by both yourself and the Lodge. The Interview panel will then make a recommendation to the Lodge members, and if your application is progressed, you will be proposed at an upcoming Lodge Meeting. Sometimes your details will be shared with other Lodges in the event you are known to any members Locally.

7. Undergo a Ballot

As mentioned, your application will be presented to the lodge members at a future meeting, who will vote on your acceptance. This process is known as a ballot, and where the term ‘blackballed’ comes from, as members vote anonymously, using black and white balls. If the vote is favorable, you will be invited to join the lodge, and an initiation date will be discussed with you.

Your Proposer should discuss with you what you need to wear to your initiation, and let you know of anything else you need to prepare, such as a toast response during the Festive Board (meal) after the meeting. 

8. Participate in the Initiation Ceremony

Once accepted, you will participate in an initiation ceremony, which marks your formal entry into Freemasonry. This ceremony is steeped in tradition and symbolism, reflecting the core values of the fraternity. A considerable amount of work goes into initiating a candidate into Freemasonry, which you will no doubt find impressive.

Exploring Freemasonry in Leeds

Freemasonry in Leeds offers a vibrant and active community. As a member of Pilgrim Lodge, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend Regular Meetings: Join fellow Freemasons in Leeds for regular Lodge meetings, held eight times a year.
  • Participate in Social Events: Engage in social activities such as dinners, charity events, and family gatherings.
  • Contribute to Charity: Be part of charitable initiatives that support both local and national causes.
  • Visit other Lodges: Meet other freemasons in Leeds, around the country, and even around the world!

The Benefits of Joining Pilgrim Lodge

Pilgrim Lodge No. 7728 provides a welcoming environment for new members. Our lodge is committed to upholding the principles of Freemasonry while fostering a strong sense of community. By joining Pilgrim Lodge, you will become part of a fraternity dedicated to making a positive impact on yourself, within our community in Leeds and beyond.


Joining Freemasonry is a significant and rewarding step. If you’re interested in how to become a Freemason, Pilgrim Lodge No. 7728 in Leeds offers a supportive and enriching environment for new members. From personal development to community engagement, the benefits of becoming a Freemason are extensive.

For more information on how to become a Freemason and member, and details on how to explore Freemasonry in Leeds, please contact Pilgrim Lodge today. We look forward to welcoming you!

Interested in becoming a Freemason & Joining Pilgrim Lodge?

If you are not already a Freemason would like to join us, please get in touch by clicking the button below and completing the contact us form, we look forward to hearing from you & supporting your journey.