An Interview with Pilgrim Lodge’s Secretary

We wanted to know more about Pilgrim Lodge’s secretary, and why he chose to become a Freemason.

Tell us a little bit more about yourself…

I am 71 years old and retired. I grew-up in Staffordshire in the Midlands. At 18 I joined the Royal Air Force and enjoyed a military life for a few years but returned to Staffordshire where I joined the Police Force. I served until my retirement and since then I’ve been active with voluntary work with various charities: most recently a military charity that supports ex-service people. I am secretary of the Lodge which takes time and when not doing that I enjoy playing the banjo!

And how long have you been a Freemason?

I joined Freemasonry in 2001 after being invited to join by a friend so have I have been a Freemason for over 20 years. I was aware of Freemasonry but didn’t consider it for me until my friend explained more: truthfully he removed many myths about being a Freemason. Once I’d been introduced to a Lodge I found the comradeship and general friendliness of it all very welcoming and haven’t looked back since. My initial concerns were completely unfounded.

So, you became a Freemason over 20 years ago, why did you join?

Freemasonry has opened up a whole new group of people. I initially joined because I knew a Freemason but quickly it allowed me to meet new people who become friends. It also expanded my understanding of people and society and gave me a renewed belief that people are good and want to help others when they can.

What makes someone a good Freemason?

I’ve found that Freemasons are warm, caring and welcoming. It’s impossible to generalise as there are quite naturally so many differences of background and age: but I can say that all are willing to help others and society freely.

You are Pilgrim Lodge’s Secretary, what does that involve?

It means I have responsibility for Lodge administration and the smooth running of the Lodge, which includes managing communication from Grand Lodge in London and Provincial Grand Lodge in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

It all sounds very important but in reality it’s simply passing information between the Lodge members: for example the role involves arranging the Summons and Minutes for all meetings.

But alongside attending to these regular duties of Freemasonry, one of the main responsibilities is to see that the rules and regulations of Freemasonry are followed: this is guided by the Book Of Constitutions which indicates how Freemasons Lodge should conduct themselves.

The office does come with a responsibly, to ensure all the obligations of a Freemasons Lodge are being followed, but it also comes with a sense of achievement and purpose: all in all I enjoy the Office.

You were already a Freemason before you joined Pilgrim Lodge, how would you describe the ‘personality’ of your new Lodge?

I’d previously been a member of a Lodge in the Midlands and been part of Scottish Freemasonry, so when I moved to Yorkshire I knew I wanted to find a Lodge that suited me. I was introduced to Pilgrim and immediately found a warm and welcoming environment. All the Brethren made me feel part of the Lodge. I didn’t know what to expect but I certainly found a Masonic Home that I enjoy being a part of.

What’s your fondest memory of Pilgrim Lodge, so far?

I suppose that I’m unusual in Masonry in that I didn’t progress through to the Master of the Lodge for quite a few years so when I did I found it doubly satisfying. In part from achieving the position but also because I didn’t think I would. That moment would be my fondest memory.

If a friend was interested in joining Freemasonry, what would you tell them?

I’d be open and honest. I’d give them the whole picture, that it is worthwhile to be involved in a fraternal group of men, who value friendship, and will support each other. Also, that the values of Freemasonry require a commitment to improving society through charitable giving.

I’d also try and dispel some of the myths that I originally had of Freemasonry: and explain what it isn’t and what it offers! For example; we are an open organisation, who truly care about helping others.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with us!

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